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8 Things to Know BEFORE Moving to Miami

Art deco style, beautiful people, exciting nightlife, and gorgeous beaches are just a few of the things many people associate with the magnificent city of Miami. 

But did you know that buildings in Miami don't have basements because it's only about six to nine feet above sea level? Or that it's the first (as far as we know, anyway) city to install an ATM for inline skaters? 

The Magic City is full of surprises, so if you're planning a move there, it helps to know what to expect. In this post, we'll explore some things we think you need to know before moving to Miami!

You May Want to Budget for Bug Spray & Umbrellas

Miami is hot. And humid. And full of mosquitos. It's considered a tropical monsoon climate, so it never gets much below 70 in the mid-winter months, and it constantly pours from June through September. 

Although the storms and flooding can be destructive (think about looking into flood insurance), the upside is lush vegetation, gorgeous thunderstorms (when they stay well-behaved), and pool days in January.

Oral Lease Agreements Are Legit, but Notices between You and Your Landlord Must Be Written

While most Miami apartments require a written lease agreement between you and your landlord, an oral contract is just as legally valid if your lease is under a year. Beyond that, communication between you and your landlord about anything potentially litigating must be in writing.

While we’re on the subject, it’s a good thing to research some of the areas, the general prices, and figure out an approximate cost of living you should budget for, especially if you’re moving out of town. 

Calle Ocho May Become Your Favorite Part of the City

Calle Ocho runs smack through the Little Havana neighborhood, the heart and soul of Miami's sizable Cuban population. It's colorful, bustling, vibrant, and utterly captivating. 

You'll find sandwich shops and elegant fine dining establishments side by side serving up traditional and contemporary Cuban food. There's a historic theater, museum & performing arts center, and "Domino Park" where abuelos meet for leisurely games with friends.

And don't forget to check out the Calle Ocho Music Festival. You definitely won't want to miss the music, dancing, and street party atmosphere!

Frequenting Little Havana also has its perks beyond great music, food, and culture. Hang out long enough, and you'll inevitably pick up some Spanish along the way!  

Learning Spanish Is Really Beneficial 

66.7% of Miami-Dade residents speak Spanish, and it is the city's official language, so it's helpful to learn some before moving here. Even if it's just conversational, it'll make life much easier at the grocery store, restaurants, and pretty much anywhere else you'll find people.

Fashionistas Are Welcome Here

Trends are set daily in Miami, and it's a playground for fashion models, influencers, designers, and celebrities. (Think Eva Mendes, Sophia Vergara, Matt Damon, LeBron James; you get the idea.)

If you're a fashion enthusiast, you'll have a blast at Miami Fashion Week and Miami Swim Week, and there are enough luxury haute couture boutiques in the city to keep you window shopping for weeks! 

This City Loves to Party!

Ok, maybe this one isn't such a big surprise, but be prepared! From happy hour in fashionable rooftop bars to dancing all night in the hottest clubs, there's always something fun happening around the city. 

You can't have a big night out without a next-day recovery plan, right? Hit one of the fantastic brunch spots in the city for some healing eggs benedict and bottomless mimosas, and you'll be right as rain.

But It Likes to Chill Sometimes, Too

Clubbing can get old, however, so Miami has plenty of other things to see and do when you need some downtime! 

You can take a leisurely stroll through the Perez Art Museum and enjoy amazing classic and contemporary exhibits showcasing world-famous artists. Revel in the beauty of nature in Vizcaya Gardens. Take an Art Deco Tour and learn about the city's iconic art deco architecture.

Or, of course, you can always just spend a day at the beach to do some epic people-watching while enjoying the sun and sea. 

You Shouldn't Take It Personally when a Miamian Shows Up Late

Miami locals are a laid-back bunch. Maybe it's the humidity that slows us down a bit, perhaps it's our nocturnal nature, or maybe it's the insane traffic. Maybe it's a combination of everything. 

Regardless, we tend to be late when it comes to social engagements as a result. It's nothing personal, so don't sweat it. Just plan on arriving fashionably late to social gatherings. Otherwise, you may be waiting a while. 

Welcome to Miami!

If you're planning a Miami move, we hope you've found the info in our post to be helpful! 

We think it's impossible NOT to fall in love with this city, partially because the people here are as warm as the weather. 

The Miami lifestyle is addictive, so it's no surprise that many who move here end up staying for good!